#4 报关须知 HS 与 HTS 编码(下)

导读:前两篇文章分别讲述了 HS 与 HTS 编码的规则与重要性,本篇简单简绍与 HTS 相关的两个部门 — USITC 负责制定 HTS,CBP 负责执行。另外作为对比,HTS 编码用于进口,Schedule B 编码用于出口。本文来自 Shopify 博客,阅读时间约为 3 分钟。


United States International Trade Commission (USITC) / 美国国际贸易委员会 (USITC)

Established in 1916, the United States federal agency in charge of trade-related mandates. It maintains the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS).

成立于 1916 年,是负责贸易相关任务的美国联邦机构。它维护统一关税表(HTS)。

  • mandates – 授权

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) / 海关边防总署(CBP)

Established in July 1789 and consolidated into its current form in March 2003, US Customs and Border Protection is charged with maintaining the integrity of the country’s borders and ports of entry. It enforces the HTS.

海关边防总署成立于 1789 年 7 月,并在 2003 年 3 月合并为目前的形式,负责维护国家边境和入境口岸的完整性。它执行 HTS 。(注:美国成立于 1776 年,CBP 成立于 1789 年。)

A brief history of the HTS / HTS 的简要历史

While almost all countries use the HS to determine tariffs and classify imported goods, the United States uses the HTS. The HTS was enacted by Congress and brought into effect on January 1, 1989. The system is based on the HS, unlike the previous Tariff Schedules of the United States it replaced. While the USITC maintains and publishes the HTS, CBP is responsible for interpreting and enforcing the HTS.

虽然几乎所有国家都使用 HS 来确定关税和对进口商品进行分类,但美国使用 HTS。 HTS 是由国会制定的,并于 1989 年 1 月 1 日生效。该系统以 HS 为基础,与它所取代的美国以前的关税表不同。虽然 USITC 维护和公布了 HTS,但 CBP 负责解释和执行 HTS。

Schedule B code

A 10-digit international code that categorizes each exported good.

一个 10 位数的国际代码,对每个出口商品进行分类。

Schedule B is the statistical classification for goods exported from the United States. It is maintained and published by the United States Census Bureau and based on the HS. Schedule B codes are used by the US government to monitor US exports.

Schedule B 是对美国出口货物的统计分类。它由美国人口普查局维护和公布,以 HS 为基础。Schedule B 代码被美国政府用来监测美国的出口

  • Census Bureau – 人口普查局

HTS codes are governed by the USITC and enforced by US Customs; Schedule B codes are governed by the United States Census Bureau.

HTS 编码由美国国际贸易委员会管理,由美国海关执行;Schedule B 编码由美国人口普查局管理。

  • governed – 治理
