#9 弃单恢复邮件优化(上)

导读:很多消费者会在添加购物车后悄然离开,弃单恢复提示邮件的作用就是促使他们付款,其重要性不言而喻。与上一篇文章相同,我们不能依赖 Shopify 默认的邮件模板,而必须花费大量时间去优化它。本文来自 Shopify 视频教程,阅读时间约为 5 分钟。


Between 60-80% of online shopping carts are abandoned.

60-80% 的在线购物车被遗弃。

So let’s start by thinking about your potential customers’ journey here. First, they found your website. Your marketing worked to bring them in. That’s already a win. Then they took the time to look at your website, find a product they’re interested in, and put that product in their shopping cart.


But then after all that work to get them to your store and shopping, they left without making a purchase. Frustrating, right?


Companies can typically recover between 5% and 11% of abandoned sales. If you’re just starting out, I recommend sending one abandoned cart email as soon as you can after a product was abandoned.

公司通常可以恢复 5% 到 11% 的被放弃的订单。如果你刚刚开始,我建议在产品被放弃后,尽快发送一封放弃购物车的电子邮件。

That’s because the more recent you are, the higher the likelihood that you will re-engage that potential customer. The key here will be to create a sense of urgency, ideally without nagging your potential customer. Here’s what you need to gather for your cart abandonment email.


Shopify 自带的弃单分析
Shopify 自带的弃单分析

1. Subject line. You need an interesting subject line that piques their curiosity and makes the potential customer interested in opening the email. Remember, you’re just trying to get them to open the email, don’t overcomplicate it.


2. Short copy about the product. Remind the potential customer of the value of the product. Remind them why they likely wanted to buy from you.


3. The image of the product. An image goes a long way in enticing a customer back. I recommend showing them the product or someone using the product to encourage them to make their purchase.


4. Incentive to buy NOW. It can be helpful to share a discount code or a free shipping offer to push your customer over the edge to buy now.


So now that you know the value of an abandoned cart, it’s time to build your own.

