#1 TransferWise 改名为 Wise

从今天起,我们将进行持续的阅读训练,这是第 1 篇。阅读训练的目的,是从跨进相关的平台挑选英文文档、手册、博客阅读学习。阅读第一手资料好处多多,首先是可以接触到最新的信息,抢得市场先机;其次是平台自身发布的文档往往最为深刻、透彻,最利于理解,不会在传播的过程中被曲解。阅读也是为写作打下基础,经过大量的阅读训练,在写邮件、与客户交流时,才能为国外客户提供更专业的服务。


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2021 年 2 月,TransferWise 该名为 Wise。TransferWise 是一个流行的国际汇款工具,它的特点是速度快、价格便宜,货币兑换手续费低。随着 TransferWise 业务的拓展,如今它不仅用于国际汇款,而且提供了实体借记卡,可以供用户在各国刷卡消费;提供了投资理财功能等。为了反映出业务的变化,因此更名


Today, we’re changing our name from TransferWise to Wise.

今天,我们要把名字从 TransferWise 改为 Wise。

Our customers now need us for more than money transfers. Sending, spending, and receiving money internationally is too expensive, slow, and inconvenient. We’re fixing that for people and businesses.


A decade into our mission / 我们的使命的十年

Ten years ago, Taavet and I set out to fix international money transfers for all of us who’d been overcharged and underserved by banks. We named our idea ‘TransferWise’ — because our early customers were ‘wise’ to know their banks were charging hidden fees in exchange rate markups.

十年前,Taavet 和我开始着手为我们所有被银行过度收费和服务不足的人解决国际汇款问题。我们把我们的想法命名为 TransferWise — 因为我们的早期客户很 Wise,知道他们的银行在汇率上收取隐藏费用。

  • markups – 标高价格

We set ourselves a mission to make money work without borders — to make money move instantly, transparently, conveniently, and — eventually — for free.

我们给自己定下的任务是让金钱无国界运作 — 让金钱即时、透明、方便地流动,并且最终实现自由流动。

Now, we’re a community of 10 million like-minded people and businesses managing money all over the world, saving billions and fighting as hard as ever against hidden fees.

现在,我们是一个由 1000 万志同道合的人和企业组成的社区,在世界各地管理资金,节省了数十亿美元,并一如既往地努力反对隐性费用。

Our multi-currency account and the clever debit card is replacing international banking for many of you. By building this infrastructure for you, we’ve created a platform that more than a dozen banks use today.


You’ve told us for years the problem is bigger than money transfers. Any time money moves into another currency, it’s still a maze of hidden exchange rate markups, high fees, delays, and small print.


  • small print – 用小号字体发布不想让用户细读的内容?

We’ll fix international banking together / 我们将共同解决国际银行业务

Sending, spending, receiving, and holding money internationally doesn’t work like it should, because the international banking system was built for the past.


For generations, banks have been defined by borders. Traditional bank accounts trap our money in one country, making international lives more difficult and expensive than they need to be. We shouldn’t have to accept this status quo.


Wise 发行的借记卡

Today, we don’t. We’ll fix it with Wise — the world’s most international account. It makes your money borderless — with instant, super-cheap money transfers, a debit card to spend in any currency, account details to get paid in 30+ countries, balances to hold your money safely in 50+ different currencies, multi-currency direct debits, and other revolutionary features.

今天,我们不接受。我们将用 Wise — 世界上最国际化的账户来解决这个问题。它使你的钱不受国界限制 — 有即时、超级便宜的汇款,有可以用任何货币消费的借记卡,有可以在 30 多个国家获得付款的账户细节,有可以用 50 多种不同货币安全持有你的钱的余额,有多货币直接借记,还有其他革命性的功能。

TransferWise is now Wise / TransferWise 现在是 Wise

Today our name catches up with who we’re already building for — a community of people and businesses with multi-currency lives. Wise is for all of us who live, work, travel, or support family around the world. It’s for those of us who want to cut out the middlemen that hold us back from being truly borderless.

今天,我们的名字符合我们已经建立的对象 — 一个拥有多币种生活的人和企业社区。Wise 是为我们所有在世界各地生活、工作、旅行或支持家庭的人而设。它是为那些希望砍掉阻碍我们真正实现无国界的中间商的人而设的。

For customers, not too much will change right away. We become “Wise” or “Wise Business” — depending how you use us. You can access your exact same account via wise.com, using your current email and password. You won’t need a new account. In a few weeks we will start to redirect transferwise.com to wise.com.

对于客户来说,不会马上有太多的改变。我们成为 “智者 “或 “智业” — 取决于你如何使用我们。你可以通过 wise.com 访问你完全相同的账户,使用你目前的电子邮件和密码。你将不需要一个新的账户。几周后,我们将开始把 transferwise.com 重定向到 wise.com。

Our logo has changed, and our apps will be renamed. But our icon — the fast flag — remains as a symbol for money without borders. Beyond that, you’ll notice some new colours, words, and designs.

我们的 Logo 已经改变,我们的应用程序也将被重新命名。但我们的图标 — 快速旗 — 仍然是金钱无国界的象征。除此之外,你会注意到一些新的颜色、文字和设计。

The core experience of using Wise will remain faster, cheaper, and more convenient than anything else. Our mission remains the same. We’re still making — and always will be making — money work without borders.

使用 Wise 的核心体验仍将比其他任何东西都更快、更便宜、更方便。我们的使命保持不变。我们仍然在创造 — 并且将永远创造 — 无国界的金钱交易。

We’re humbled that 10 million of you already rely on us to help you lead your international lives. We can’t wait to bring the next 100 million of you with us as we continue to build a new, fair, and transparent world of money.

我们很谦虚,你们中的 1,000 万人已经依靠我们来帮助你们过上国际生活。我们迫不及待地想把你们中的下一亿人带入我们的行列,因为我们将继续建立一个新的、公平和透明的货币世界。

  • We’re humbled that — 谦虚?


