#12 为何你需要优化落地页

导读:落地页(Landing Pages)是数字营销中非常重要的部分,它不同于网站首页。一般而言,我们需要为每个营销活动创建一个落地页 — 它只完成一个目的性非常强的短期目标。原文来自 Shogun,在此我们将原文拆分为上下两篇,本文阅读时间约为 7 分钟。


Acquiring quality traffic to your online store can be expensive.


You either have to pay for ads or invest in content to get potential customers to visit, so it’s critical to convert the traffic that you are getting. Ecommerce landing pages can help with this because they’re designed to convert well — with some businesses achieving an average conversion rate of 11.45%.

你必须支付广告费或投资于内容,以获得潜在客户的访问,所以转换你所获得的流量是至关重要的。电子商务落地页可以帮助实现这一点,因为它们被设计成具有良好的转化率 — 一些企业的平均转化率达到了 11.45%。

Why your Shopify store needs landing pages

为什么你的 Shopify 商店需要登陆页面

A landing page is technically any web page designed to get a potential customer to take the next step in your sales funnel.


For your store, this next step can be:


  • Buying a product
  • Signing up with an email for a free sample
  • Subscribing to an email newsletter for store deals
  • Joining an exclusive waiting list for a particular product
  • Providing an email address to unlock free shipping
  • 购买产品
  • 用电子邮件注册以获得免费样品
  • 订阅电子邮件通讯以获得商店优惠
  • 加入一个特定产品的独家等待名单
  • 提供电子邮件地址以解锁免费送货

Dedicated landing pages focused on just one ecommerce offer convert well because of the phenomenon known as the Paradox of Choice.

专注于一个电子商务产品的落地页转化率很高,因为有一种现象被称为 “选择的悖论”。

The more options we have, the harder it is for us to make a choice, which causes friction. Colloquially known as “analysis paralysis”—this is when you feel so overwhelmed by options that you just…do nothing. The more options you give a store visitor at a given time, the more likely they’ll feel overwhelmed and click the “Back” button.

我们的选择越多,我们就越难做出选择,这就造成了摩擦。俗称 “分析性瘫痪” — 这是当你感到被选项淹没时,你只是 …… 什么都不做。在一个特定的时间内,你给商店的访客提供的选择越多,他们就越有可能感到不知所措而点击 “返回 “按钮。

  • friction – 摩擦

However, if you present visitors with one clear option for what to do next, you simplify the decision-making process. Further, the data indicates that dedicated ecommerce landing pages convert around 60% better than ecommerce websites taken as a whole.

然而,如果你为访客提供一个明确的选项,让他们知道下一步该做什么,你就能简化决策过程。此外,数据显示,专门的电子商务登陆页面的转换率比电子商务网站的整体转换率高约 60%。

Aside from converting more sales, adding especially custom Shopify pages to your store can help you:

除了转换更多的销售,为你的商店添加特别定制的 Shopify 页面可以帮助你。

Conduct A/B tests to constantly improve. Instead of guesswork, you can gather insights that tie the success of your marketing campaigns to hard data. You’ll continue to refine your Shopify landing pages over time to ensure you’re serving up what works best for your target market. Testing correctly has been seen to increase conversion rates by up to 300%.

进行 A / B 测试以不断改进。而不是猜测,你可以收集洞察力,将你的营销活动的成功与硬数据联系起来。随着时间的推移,你将继续完善你的 Shopify 登陆页面,以确保你为你的目标市场提供最有效的服务。正确的测试已经被认为可以提高转换率达 300%。

Speak to a specific audience. Creating targeted landing pages that highlight specific features for different customer segments will help your visitors know they’ve reached the right place and prompt buying decisions.


Improve paid search campaigns. With dedicated landing pages, you can match your store’s PPC landing pages and ad copy with the keywords you have bid on to maximize the ROI of your campaigns. In short, your Shopify landing pages can deliver contextually relevant experiences after an ad click, preventing visitors from restarting their search.

改进付费搜索活动。有了专门的落地页,你可以将你的商店的 PPC 落地页和广告文案与你出价的关键词相匹配,以最大化你的活动的投资回报率。简而言之,您的 Shopify 登陆页面可以在广告点击后提供上下文相关的体验,防止访客重新开始搜索。
