#18 Google 在哪里显示你的免费产品列表?

导读:Google 可以免费展示独立站店铺的产品,下文来自 Google Merchant Center 的帮助文档,原文中有一些图片可以帮助你理解 Google 展示免费产品列表的形式。阅读本文约需要 15 分钟。


Where Google shows your free product listings


Free listings allow customers to see products from your store across Google.


Before you begin / 在你开始之前

Learn about showing your products for free on Google so that you’re familiar with the requirements and various options. For example, enhanced listings on the Shopping tab require more product data submitted via Merchant Center feeds and require you to comply with both policies for free listings and Shopping ads.


a, The Shopping tab (shopping.google.com) 购物标签

Your enhanced listings can appear for free on the Shopping tab, offering visual experiences for customers who are searching for products like yours. Customers are directed to your online site to complete the purchase flow.


Google Shopping
Google Shopping

Note: The Shopping tab is located at google.com/shopping. Shopping ads will continue to appear in ad slots on the Shopping tab.

注意:购物标签位于 google.com/shopping。购物广告将继续出现在购物标签的广告槽中。

注:在 Shopping 标签下,依然优先显示购物广告,然后才是免费的产品列表。

b, Google Search (google.com) 谷歌搜索

b1, Rich results / 富文本搜索结果

Rich results can show alongside a search result when customers come to Google Search to find information about products, retailers, and brands. It appears as a few lines of text with product information (price, availability, product reviews) to provide customers with more useful information.


When customers use Google Search to shop for apparel and accessories, they often want to see more visual results. Your popular products in the Apparel & Accessories category can be eligible to show in more visual listings, such as a product list carousel that matches the category and is relevant to the user’s query. Customers can explore products offered by many brands and retailers, with links to retailer and brand sites to learn more.


注:「热门产品」只在美国移动端展现;产品的类型属于 Apparel & Accessories。

b3, Shopping Knowledge Panel / 购物知识面板

The Shopping Knowledge Panel is a search box that organizes information for a specific product. This includes product details, offers from retailers who sell the product, and product reviews. If your product data feed includes the product being searched, your product may be eligible to appear in this experience.


Knowledge Panel
Knowledge Panel

Note: Provide strong product identifiers (GTIN, MPN+Brand) for your products to be added correctly into the knowledge panel.

注意:提供强大的产品标识符(GTIN、MPN+Brand ),以便将您的产品正确添加到知识面板中。

c, Google Images (images.google.com) / 谷歌图片搜索

When customers look for products and brands on Google Images, they may see images with a “Product” label. This signals that the product in the image can be purchased. Customers will see rich product snippets (including price, availability, ratings, and brand) under the image after they interact with it.


Google Lens feature: Customers can also tap on the lens icon within an image to see a list of similar products. These product results can also contain a “Product” label , to signify the product can be purchased, and rich product snippets.


d, YouTube (youtube.com)

When customers are watching a video on YouTube, they may see a list of products that can be purchased directly underneath the video. Additionally, if a customer searches for a specific retail product in YouTube they may see matching products in their YouTube search results. If your product data includes the product being viewed or searched, your products may be eligible to appear in these formats.

当客户在 YouTube 上观看视频时,他们可能会在视频的正下方看到一个可以购买的产品列表。此外,如果客户在 YouTube 上搜索一个特定的零售产品,他们可能会在 YouTube 的搜索结果中看到匹配的产品。如果你的产品数据包括正在观看或搜索的产品,你的产品可能有资格出现在这些格式中。
