#6 高收入初创企业的两个特征

导读:继续昨天的学习,初创企业的钱都花在哪儿了?本文列举了两个主要方面:团队开支与营销费用。企业存在的目的是盈利,而利润来自收入,没有收入利润就无从谈起。那么高收入初创企业有何共性?本文给了一个数据。注意,第一年有效的支出模式并不意味着永久有效,因时而变很重要。本文来自 Shopify 博客,阅读时间约为 5 分钟。


Spending patterns among high-earning businesses / 高收入企业的支出模式

Just because business owners managed their budget a certain way in their first year doesn’t mean it was the right way. Indeed, most of our respondents admitted that, in hindsight, they would have spent their money differently in their first year.


  • hindsight – 事后看来

To provide better guidelines for aspirational entrepreneurs, we decided to look more closely at the data of businesses who reported higher revenue in their first year to see what—if any—budget decisions contributed to financial success. Here’s what we found.


High-earning businesses spend more on team costs / 高收入企业在团队成本上花费更多

Businesses that reported higher revenue in their first year spent significantly more on team costs—almost one third of their total budget.

报告第一年收入较高的企业在团队成本上的支出明显增加 — 几乎占其总预算的三分之一。

高收入初创公司人力成本占比约 1/3

The relationship between revenue and team costs may seem like an obvious one—in other words, if you make more money you can afford to pay yourself and hire employees. But the relationship goes both ways: adding members to your team can drive revenue growth.


And while going at it alone is good business sense at the beginning, it’s worth noting that there’s a ceiling with this approach. When you’re a solopreneur, you have limited resources: they start and end with you. You’re limited to the skills you possess and the skills you’re willing to learn.


Many business owners reach a milestone in their career where they need to weigh the financial costs of hiring help with the time costs of doing everything by themselves.


  • weigh … with … – 作比较

It’s important that entrepreneurs know what red flags to look out for that indicate it’s time to hire help. Some red flags include turning down work because you can’t keep up, seeing the quality of your product or service suffering, or seeing the quality of your sleep or mental health suffering. Don’t put yourself in a position where you’re spread so thin that you can’t run your business in a sustainable way.


Businesses who made less in their first year spent more on marketing / 第一年收入较少的企业在营销上花费较多

When we asked business owners, “How much did marketing account for as a percentage of your overall budget?” we found a significant relationship between marketing spend and revenue.


The less money a business made overall, the more it spent on marketing. And the inverse was true too: the more money a business made overall, the less it spent on marketing.



If businesses are overspending on marketing without a clear return on investment, it could be an early sign of bigger problems, such as a website that doesn’t convert or worse yet, a weak product-market fit. It’s imperative then that business owners obsessively track, report, and revisit their marketing efforts on a regular basis.


  • imperative – 当务之急

Still, marketing is more of an art than a science, and getting the budget exactly right at the beginning is tough. Spend too little and you’re not getting your name out, spend too much and you’re not seeing a profitable return.


Our findings, as well as findings by experts from the US Small Business Administration, suggest that the sweet spot for a marketing budget for an early-stage B2C business is between 7% and 8% of revenue.

我们的研究结果,以及美国小企业管理局专家的研究结果表明,早期 B2C 企业的营销预算的甜蜜点是收入的 7% 至 8%。
